Direction & Focus
The Wheel of Life is a tool used by coaches. It is useful in assessing where you are in your life and its major areas, and where you want to focus. Here is a template and instructions from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) to print if you think this will give your year and map direction.
- You use the categories provided or make your own. I added Self Care to Fun & Recreation.
- Rate your level of satisfaction in different areas of your life. 1 is low satisfaction, 10 is high.
- Where would you like to see the most improvement this year?
- You can make a compass rose with North indicating the area that you would like to focus on the most.
- Take a look at how my creative partner and map-maker extraordinaire Jill Berry, transformed the wheel into a compass rose.
Here is a template and instructions from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) to print.